The news that Fr. Piero Gheddo passed away broke a few days before Christmas, and made Christmas time sadder. Fr. Gheddo was not only the tireless missionary who went to every corner of the world, following God’s design that he learned to recognize from his soon-to-be beatified parents. He was also a missionary [...]
Pope Francis’s meeting with the Forum of Catholic NGO’s marked once again the extraordinary activity of the Secretariat of State, at least in the diplomatic field.
The Catholic NGO’s Forum was established back in 2007. Its goal was to give shape and coordination to the NGO’s with two common characters: that of [...]
With the appointments of the new archbishops of Paris and Mexico City, Pope Francis has once more shown his ecclesial “realpolitik”. In general, he prefers to choose bishops with a pastoral profile, not cultural warriors. However, these two latest choices show contrasting signals.
Michel Aupetit, the new Archbishop of Paris, replaces [...]
During his trip last week to Myanmar and Bangladesh, Pope Francis never used the word “Rohingya,” with the only exception of the private meeting he had with a group of them in Bangladesh. Cardinal Charles Maung Bo, the Archbishop of Yangon, suggested to him not to use the term for a [...]