As soon as he returns from the Lenten Spiritual exercises, Pope Francis will preside the Council of Cardinals periodic meeting. But the week will likely begin with the appointment of three new nuncios.
The three nuncios are Msgr. Alfred Xuereb, currently secretary to the Secretariat for the Economy and formerly secretary to Benedict XVI, [...]
Pope Francis’ reform is a pastoral one. This is how Bishop Marcello Semeraro describes the steps for Curia reform in an article penned for the Italian magazine “Il Regno”. It is the second time that Bishop Semeraro – who serves as secretary of the Council of Cardinals – publishes an article on this [...]
The fifth anniversary of the historic renunciation of Benedict XVI was anticipated by a letter written by the now Pope emeritus to an Italian newspaper. The Pope emeritus described himself as “in a pilgrimage to Home”, a wonderful metaphor to describe the last path of his earthly life.
Five years after, it is [...]
Pope Francis has noted the need for a cultural revolution in his Apostolic Constitution Veritatis Gaudium, that redesigned tasks and structures of the ecclesiastical universities. This revolution must be put into effect according to four criteria; and one main goal: that of building “leadership that provide direction.”
The four criteria presented by Pope [...]