The announcement of a consistory for the creation of 14 new cardinals did not come completely by surprise. For some time a consistory in June was expected, since there were six slots to get to the limit set by Bl. Paul VI, and confirmed by St. John Paul II, of 120 cardinals [...]
There is no obvious connection between the new document issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Dicastery for the Promotion of the Integral Human Development, and the discussion of Bl. Paul VI encyclical Humanae Vitae on its 50th anniversary. However, a link can be made, and it is [...]
What is Pope Francis’ pontificate direction? There are no definite answers to this question, but there are many clues, even controversial, that reveal Pope Francis’ way of governing. One of these clues is the new statute of the Dicastery Laity, Family and Life, released last week. The new Statutes replace those [...]
Giulio Andreotti was an Italian statesman who dominated the Italian political scene for more than 40 years. Eight times premier, Andreotti was both a target of attacks and praises. Among the attacks, that of embracing an excessively “philo-arabic” policy in the Middle East, not maintaining the right equidistance between Israeli and Palestinian people. To [...]