Meeting the World Council of Churches on June 21, Pope Francis said dialogue is not a strategy, but a necessity, and that in the end dialogue always seems to be “operating with a loss.” He was obviously referring to ecumenical dialogue, but the speech showed Pope Francis’ rationale.
On June 20, excerpts [...]
The 25th meeting of the Council of Cardinals ended with the release of a “progress report” on reforms and the title of the new Apostolic Constitution that will regulate functions and competences of the Curia office. Pope Francis will obviously be able to make all the adjustments he wants to the draft. At [...]
Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State, attended last week the Bilderberg Meeting. His attendance can be seen from two different points of view. In both cases, it is a clear indicator on the Church’s impact in the world.
The “Bilderberg Meetings” are Chatham House Rules (that means that the information exchange can [...]
If it is true, as it is, that Pope Francis’ real reform is that of the profile of bishops, this reform can be carried out because this Pontificate is also taking place in a moment of transition. There are many bishops who have reached the age of 75 —when, according to canon law, [...]