Pope Francis’ decision to establish a Foundation for Catholic Health in the Vatican has been little debated. Still, it is an important decision that can have several consequences.
One of the first consequences was the decision of the Holy See to prevent the sale of the Fatebenefratelli hospital in Rome. The flagship of [...]
This week, two important facts concerning the issue of abuse have struck the Holy See. The first is that Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki, archbishop of Cologne, began his spiritual retreat, practically suspending himself from the administration of the archdiocese until March. The second is that in France, a government report established that about [...]
The third hearing of the Vatican process on the management of the funds of the Secretariat of State did not lack twists. The Vatican Promoter of Justice (i.e., the prosecutor) proposed that all the requests for a action and information be returned to him so that he could redo the investigations in a clearer [...]
What Pope Francis writes must always be read carefully because it includes transversal messages that also allow us to understand how the Pope thinks or works, and above all, what is the image he wants to portray with his actions. For example, Pope Francis wrote the preface for the volume “Fraternità Segno dei [...]