Motus in fine citius, the old physicists would say, “Movement increases as the end approaches.” Writers use it when they want a fancy way of saying that time itself seems to compress and therefore to move more quickly in times of crisis, and especially in times of final crisis. If it applies generally, the [...]
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, resigned last week over his role—mainly of inaction or insufficient action after the fact—in the cover-up of sexual abuse.
Welby’s resignation came mere days after a major independent inquiry concluded he had not sufficiently reported, investigated, or contained John Smythe, a man described as “the most prolific [...]
After Bishop Paskalis Syukur asked not to be created cardinal, Pope Francis decided that the number of red hats with the right to vote in the Conclave would remain unchanged: there will be 20. In Syukur’s place, Pope Francis has decided to give the red hat to the Archbishop of Naples, Domenico Battaglia.
Pope [...]
For all the expectations the late synod on synodality created, it really turned out to be a wet squib. One thing the synod accomplished, however, was to make the language in which the Church describes herself more sociological.
Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, general rapporteur, presented a detail of the Synod’s final document as the real [...]