This week, two important facts concerning the issue of abuse have struck the Holy See. The first is that Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki, archbishop of Cologne, began his spiritual retreat, practically suspending himself from the administration of the archdiocese until March. The second is that in France, a government report established that about [...]
The third hearing of the Vatican process on the management of the funds of the Secretariat of State did not lack twists. The Vatican Promoter of Justice (i.e., the prosecutor) proposed that all the requests for a action and information be returned to him so that he could redo the investigations in a clearer [...]
What Pope Francis writes must always be read carefully because it includes transversal messages that also allow us to understand how the Pope thinks or works, and above all, what is the image he wants to portray with his actions. For example, Pope Francis wrote the preface for the volume “Fraternità Segno dei [...]
Pope Francis’ words about the fact that some had already thought about his succession at the news of his surgery represented a sort of punch in the stomach. Not so much for the rumors about a possible successor, because those have always been there, and not only when the Pope in charge is [...]
There was no need for a press conference on the plane to confirm Pope Francis’s pragmatic approach to theological issues. But the press conference on the return flight from the trip to Hungary and Slovakia further clarified some aspects of the Pope’s approach to theological matters.
One question, in particular, focused on the [...]
In Pope Francis’ trip to Budapest, there is an issue that must make us reflect. Pope Francis wanted to go to Hungary for a pastoral visit only, without even meeting the government. This choice also betrayed some hard feelings towards the executive headed by Viktor Orban, whom the Vatican also targeted for its migration [...]
This week, Pope Francis granted a lengthy radio interview to COPE, the Spanish Bishops’ Conference radio. In an hour and a half, he tackled various issues, some of them very thorny, such as the trials in the Vatican, the reform of the Curia, his resignation. His answers, however, reveal not only the way [...]
There is, unsurprisingly, no confirmation on a possible resignation of Pope Francis from the pontificate. And there is no confirmation that a document on the status of the Pope Emeritus is being studied, which is very necessary. There is only one fact: since the surgery of last July 4, everything has suddenly become [...]
On August 18, Cardinal Beniamino Stella, prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy, turned 80 and will no longer enter the Conclave. One of Pope Francis’ most trusted men, created cardinal in the first Consistory and called by the presidency of the Ecclesiastical Academy to lead the Congregation for the Clergy, Cardinal Stella [...]
After the trip to Hungary and Slovakia, Pope Francis will face the season of trials. First, there will be the verdict on the alleged abuses of the Vatican pre-seminary, incidentally already moved out of the Leonine City by a Pope’s provision. Then, the hearings will begin, starting from October 5, for the trial [...]