Pope Francis’s address for the 25th anniversary of the Catechism of the Catholic Church made a strong impression both for its hint of a possibility of changing Catholic teaching on the death penalty (still permitted acording to the Catechism, though only as an extrema ratio) and for the Pope’s statement that doctrine [...]
“May the voice of Jesus return in Europe.” The final message of the plenary assembly of the Council of European Bishops Conferences (CCEE) that gathered in Minsk from September 27 – October 1 relaunched the Christian mission of Europe. The move came after a silent shift of paradigm that took place over time [...]
Pope Francis’s decision to appoint Archbishop Savio Hon Fai Tai as Apostolic Nuncio to Greece is perhaps a signal that one of two things is happening.
On the one hand, the decision to appoint the current Secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples as a nuncio, leaving vacant for now the [...]
When speaking about Pope Francis’s pontificate, collegiality and synodality are always the keywords and they describe his way of acting. However, two events last week break out of this narrative, and shed light on the fact that Pope Francis is really a lone decision maker.
The Pope met with the plenary assembly [...]
The Last Council of Cardinals that gathered to discuss the Curia reform took a sort of a break, during its last meetings. During this break, the Cardinals have re-read Pope Francis’ texts on reform and developed the themes on the Curia change.
These were the topics of discussion: the Curia as a tool [...]
Cardinal Carlo Caffarra’s death probably marks the end of an era. At the same time his death also confirms a climate created by the debates surrounding the Church that risks sending the Church back in time.
Caffarra was 79. Archbishop Emeritus of Bologna, it was he who St. John Paul II called upon [...]
A glance toward his native Latin America, and a glance toward the East: Pope Francis’ seems to alternate this way, as the schedule of his international trips is about to start again. A schedule that will prove to be intense.
Pope Francis will leave for Colombia Sep. 5. Between the end of [...]
Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State, traveled to Russia August 21-24, and everything went fine, according to reports. At a first sight, it seems too early to think about a possible trip to Moscow for Pope Francis, while it is more likely that we will see a second meeting between Pope [...]
Last week, the Royal Commission of Australia published 85 conclusive remarks concerning their investigation, 85 recommendations to counter pedophilia in the Church. Among these 85 recommendations, there is that of compelling priests to violate the seal of confession so they can report to authorities anytime they hear of an sexual abuse of a [...]
Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State, will go to Moscow on August 20-24, and the news of his upcoming trip re-opened the discussion about a possible trip to Russia by Pope Francis.
Cardinal Parolin’s official schedule for the trip has not been released yet. It seems certain that the Cardinal will meet [...]