Conclusions were expected. But, instead, Amoris Laetitia – Pope Francis’ post-synodal apostolic exhortation, published finally after two years of a synodal journey concerning the family – leaves everything open. Even the thorny issue of access to sacramental Communion for the civilly divorced and remarried is left open. The Pope introduces the issue [...]
There is a red line linking the two events that will characterize this upcoming week in the Vatican: it is Truth. Both the so-called Vatileaks 2 trial and the presentation of the post-synodal apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia (that will take place, respectively, April 6 and 8) deal with the veracity of the information disseminated, [...]
Churches in Brussels lean out toward the sky, as if they want to fill up the distance between God and man. This distance has been deepened during these last years, as secularization has seized Belgian society. After March 22, Pope Francis twice stigmatized the “blind violence” of Islamic fundamentalists, and during the [...]
A recently released interview he granted for a theological book represents Benedict XVI’s return to the theological arena. This way, Pope Francis’ pontificate has been given back a voice that perhaps was missing, thus showing the world what the role of the Pope Emeritus can really be today. Benedict XVI is able, in [...]
What Church does Pope Francis have in mind? The question is urgent after three years of his pontificate and on the eve of the publication of the post-synodal apostolic exhortation, that should be released after Easter.
A draft of the exhortation was examined by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which [...]
The week-long Lenten retreat for the Roman Curia has just begun. Listening to the meditations by Fr. Ermes Ronchi, Pope Francis will have to think carefully about one topic in particular: Is the Church he leads really defended by the entire world’s media thanks to his personality, a widely acknowledged moral force? Or [...]
Pope Francis proved once more that praxis is more important to him than doctrine during the in-flight press conference coming back from Mexico when he mentioned the “famous” case of the Congolese nuns allegedly permitted to take the contraceptive pill because of a danger of rape. Yet, this same sentence – [...]
To those who thought that he was going to overturn the Church’s doctrine on admission to the sacraments for the civilly divorced and remarried, Pope Francis responded that “all doors are open, but we cannot say they can receive Communion. It would be a wound to marriage.” To those who thought that the joint [...]
Pope Francis’ approach to diplomatic issues is pragmatic and is aimed at achieving immediate outcomes that are less attentive to theological issues. He pursues a diplomacy of prayer, of the Holy Door, of mercy, but also a diplomacy with doctrinal-theological concessions, all in the interest of the “culture of the encounter” [...]
The Council of Cardinals will meet again February 8 – 9. Pope Francis appointed the Council to advise him on the Church’s government and on a possible reform of the Curia. But this time, more than on past occasions, the meeting encounters a certain disinterest. No one has written about it, and the cardinals [...]