For the first time since 1977, Pope Benedict XVI will not take part in the annual meeting of his former students. To them, he explained that «as Pope Emeritus, I intended not to take part in public events.» And so he will not be at the Ratzinger’s Schulerkreis meeting. The gathering (to be [...]
Pope Francis did not speak in political terms. After the violence and the deaths in Cairo, he merely chose to add a prayer for violence to stop in Egypt. In fact, Benedict XVI did not speak in political terms either when he issued last year the post-synod document Ecclesia in Medioriente. [...]
The media called it «operation financial transparency». And it is. The work done within the Vatican Walls during the past few years was all intended to create a Vatican financial system to overcome the image of opacity and dubious dealings that – rightly or wrongly – was associated with Vatican financial matters.
In fact, [...]
Pope Francis closed his trip to Brazil for World Youth Day with an hour and 20 minutes of press conference of open question and answers. Pope Francis spoke about several topics, from the possible presence of a gay lobby within the Vatican ranks to the communion for divorced and remarried people. Among all [...]
From Pope Francis’ trip to Brazil for World Youth Day, we will remember his appeal to young people to «rock the boat»; his visit to a favela in Rio, an almost ritual visit for popes; and his unscheduled movements, which have put to the test his security.
Yet, there was a [...]
Pope Francis’ last move is the appointment of a pontifical commission to look at the organization of the economic-administrative structure of the Holy See. In essence, it is an external team of auditors who will advise how to streamline the expenses and activities of the 37 semi-autonomous offices which make up Vatican City [...]
Those who expected Pope Francis to devolve the structure of both Vatican City State and the Holy See were probably disappointed. Yes, Pope Francis underlined repeatedly that «structures are important, but up to a certain point. » On the other hand, Pope Francis is also keenly aware that Vatican City State is «that [...]
When he was archbishop of Buenos Aires, almost all the priests he proposed to be appointed bishop were rejected. According to sources, almost every list of candidates that Bergoglio would propose (three names, per the Holy See’s standard practice) for an open see for bishop would be overlooked. Instead, the appointments came from the [...]
«In the concrete history of the Church, however, a contrary tendency is also manifested, namely that the Church becomes self-satisfied, settles down in this world, becomes self-sufficient and adapts herself to the standards of the world.» Moreover: «Not infrequently, she gives greater weight to organization and institutionalization than to her vocation to openness towards [...]
Silvano Maria Tomasi, the Holy See Permanent Observer at the UN office in Geneva, provided the figures that tell better than anything else the presence and impact of the Church in the world. He did so in Geneva last week, during the 23rd session of the Human Rights Council. At the time of [...]