In order to understand the path the Holy See began and is staying on to achieve full -international financial transparency, one should look beyond the seven negative ratings (out of 16 core and key recommendations to combat money laundering) and beyond the 23 negative ratings on the general recommendations (out of 45, [...]
Strasbourg locuta, causa finita? (Strasbourg has spoken, the case is closed?). This expression is taken from Saint Augustine’s «Roma locuta, causa finita». In Saint Augustine’s times, two councils of African bishops had requested Rome (the Apostolic See) to concur with their conclusion on a particular matter, and Rome had replied in two reports (rescripts [...]
Will Ettore Gotti Tedeschi have to stand trial before a Vatican court? The possibility is rather remote. If he will, it would be because of the documents the former president of the IOR. Board of Superintendence took from his office in Torrione Niccolò IV. Gotti Tedeschi probably is not in possession of [...]
Benedict XVI had been defined «the last of Benedictins». As Saint Benedict, who in 529 founds the monastery of Montecassino and from there – with the ora et labora, the collections and copy of texts, founds a new civilizations, so Benedict XVI goes over the scandals and the human problems of the [...]
January, the 25th, a new law n. 127 had been posted to a wall of a Vatican lodge. The new law immediately came into effect, since the posting is the form of the urgent decree. So, the Vatican has a new anti money-laundering law. Just a few are really aware of this, since Holy [...]