The Church is 200 hundred years out of date. Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini’s words in his last interview have travelled the world. Interpretations multiplied. In what, exactly, is the Church out of date? Is it because of the issue of communion and divorcees – even when the Pope wrote comprehensively about it [...]
«If you bite and devour one another, take care that you are not consumed by one another». This passage of the letter of Paul to Galatians had been quoted by Benedict XVI in the letter he wrote to bishops concerning the remission of excommunication to four lefevbrist bishops is dramatically current in the Church today. [...]
Aquinas is the title of a book by John Finnis, one of the most prominent legal philosophers. It is – obviously – dedicated to Thomas Aquinas. And it – less obviously – indicates the Aquinas as one of the founder of the Modern Thought. This book let John Finnis win the Thomas Aquinas International [...]
On 11th of February 1929, an historic treaty was signed between the Italian Government and the Vatican re-establishing the political power and diplomatic standing of the Catholic Church, which had been lost when Italy seized Rome, the last of Papal States, on September 20th, 1870.
Every year, on February the 11th, Osservatore [...]