The one-and-a-half hour Eucharistic adoration that concluded the vigil of the prayer for peace, which the Pope called for September 7, will be remembered as one of the most impressive and intense moments of Francis’ pontificate. The words Pope Francis addressed to the crowd have stirred the world’s conscience. And yes, the [...]
Within a political climate become red-hot because of next presidential elections on July, the 1st, Benedict XVI met the Mexican president Felipe Calderon. Then – on the initiative of the President Calderon himself – the Pope also met eight family members of the victim of the drug-trafficking. On that occasion, the Pope [...]
Next year, an important anniversary will be celebrated in the Vatican: it will be the 50th anniversary of the promulgation of the encyclical Pacem in terris, by John XXIII. And the Vatican decided to celebrate the anniversary his way: inviting the General Secretary of the United Nations Ban Ki Moon in Rome, [...]
The last document released by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace was delivered to the participants to G20. Some of the proposal contained in the document were also part of the agenda of the summit. For example the tax on financial transactions, called a “Tobin tax” after the name of its [...]
We are now living the fall of the false Gods. Benedict XVI delivered an important meditation at the beginning of the October Synod of Bishops for the Middle East. The meditation addressed the “false divinities” that govern modern times. «Let us remember all the great powers of the history of today. Let us [...]
«G20 can be considered a club of friends. On the other hand, Holy See proposes a new world authority, in order to consider all the countries, the developing ones as well as the developed ones». Mons. Mario Toso, secretary of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, underlines the doubts the Holy See [...]