Just when the Vatican Secretary of State seems to be the only mark for a series of attacks, two news show that the Holy See is making important steps toward a reform intended to bring the Vatican City State to be a fully modern State with full financial transparency. The steps are [...]
One year ago – it was the 30th of December 2010 – the publication of the Benedict XVI’s Motu Proprio for the prevention and countering of illegal activities in the area of monetary and financial dealings was considered one of the most important news. The Motu Proprio extended to the Holy See the [...]
The last document released by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace was delivered to the participants to G20. Some of the proposal contained in the document were also part of the agenda of the summit. For example the tax on financial transactions, called a “Tobin tax” after the name of its [...]
«Kyllä kansa tietää», «Yes the people know». This sentence has marked the history of Finnish politics. His author, Veikko Vennamo, was a talented orator. He shocked the Finnish political establishment by founding a populist party at the end of Sixties. It was called “Landsbygdspartiet” (the Party of the Countries) and it gained the [...]
Would it be possible to eject the Holy See from the international organizations? This not such a new idea. In 2007, The Economist - English weekly which is widely read in government foreign offices – ended an article about the Vatican diplomacy with this advice for the Holy See: «It could renounce its special [...]