They seem to be two different things, not linked. Yet, there is a threat which links the ongoing discussions about the Synodal path on the family and what takes place in European institutions. Many are the issues that touch on the family and at the same time on the matter of religion in Europe. [...]
That Pope Francis wanted to proclaim Pius XII blessed is something that has been rumored in recent times. To speed up procedures, the Pope could use the «equipollent canonization,» a formula he already used six times since the beginning of the Pontificate. He might do it again. Pius XII’s file has been [...]
Pope Francis, some say, may be the first Pope to earn a Nobel Prize, for Peace. Only a few people know that, before Francis, the idea of proposing Benedict XVI for the Nobel Prize, in Literature, had been seriously considered.
Father Giuseppe Costa, director of the Vatican Publishing House, had this idea, as he [...]