«Catholics are not even allowed to think». This thought does not come from the corridors of the Vatican Secretariat of State. There is a whole world made up of Catholics that are not – and that do not intend to be – part of the Vatican Hierarchy. This world is inspired by Christian values [...]
It’s almost certain that cardinal Angelo Scola, patriarch of Venice, will be appointed archbishop of Milan, the biggest diocese in the world. It was Benedict XVI himself who promoted the appointment of Scola: the Pope knows personally Scola, and – as usually – when he has to make an important appointment, he [...]
Every year, the 18th of February, a ceremony is given in the Italian Embassy to the Holy See to commemorate the agreements between Italy and Holy See (Patti Lateranensi, 11th of February 1929; and the revision of Patti Lateranensi, 18th of February 1984). The protocol of the ceremony is very strict. First step, a [...]