The Vatileaks case does not come to an end with the trial of Paolo Gabriele, the Pope’s butler charged with aggravated theft, convicted of stealing the pontiff’s private documents and leaking them to a journalist, and sentenced to 18 months in prison (but a Papal pardon is likely). Perhaps Vatileaks will [...]
Will Ettore Gotti Tedeschi have to stand trial before a Vatican court? The possibility is rather remote. If he will, it would be because of the documents the former president of the IOR. Board of Superintendence took from his office in Torrione Niccolò IV. Gotti Tedeschi probably is not in possession of [...]
Sheriff defends law. He brings everybody into line. And honest people is happy. This is what could happen in an ideal world. But many discontent the arrival of a sheriff. Honest people feel in peril: they work behind the curtain, they know that the only way to change the balances of a «corrupted» place [...]