Benedict XVI had been defined «the last of Benedictins». As Saint Benedict, who in 529 founds the monastery of Montecassino and from there – with the ora et labora, the collections and copy of texts, founds a new civilizations, so Benedict XVI goes over the scandals and the human problems of the [...]
«To work tirelessly to rebuild the full and visible unity of all Christ’s followers». This is the «impelling duty» of the successor of Peter. Already in the first Message after his election to the Papal Throne, Pope Benedict XVI spoke these programmatic words. The cause of ecumenism has always been central in this [...]
Joseph Ratzinger was Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith when – in October 2003 – he gave an interview to the German Newspaper Die Tagespost. In that interview, Ratzinger issued the warning for «an unilateral academization of Theology». In Germany, Faculties of Theology are established in the State universities. [...]
Easter Vigil, Saint Peter Basilica. The largest church in Christendom is in the dark for the start of the service to signify the darkness in Jesus’ tomb before what Christians believe was his resurrection from the dead three days after his crucifixion. Then, the some 10,000 faithful in the basilica lit candles as the [...]
In the living room of the cardinal Roger Etchegaray’s house in Rome a Cuban Christ’s Nativity is exposed since more than 20 years. The Christ’s Nativity is a present Fidel Castro made to him during one of their meeting, between the end of 80s and the beginning of 90s. Roger Etchegaray first met [...]