Young Muslims were also among those who attended the Holy Mass that Benedict XVI gave in the waterfront in Beirut, on Sunday, September 16. And young Muslims took part in the Pope’s meeting with the Lebanese Youth in Bkerké, one of the many Marian sanctuaries in the Land of Cedars, which is [...]
There is a hidden Church. It is made up of young people committing for a better world; of believers that live the Gospel; of people who simply try to lend an hand to their neighbour. It is hidden only because big medias focus on gossips, power struggles and (true or false) plots and scandals. [...]
The most beautiful Benedict XVI’s lesson on ecumenism was probably the homily he held during the Holy Mass that concluded the last Schuelerkreis meeting – i.e. the circle of ex Ratinzger’s students that rejoins once a year since the end of 70s. The Pope invited is pupils not to limit themselves to [...]
«A bishop must also dare». These are Carlo Maria Martini’s words. Cardinal, Bible scholar, Archbishop of Milan for 22 years, Carlo Maria Martini died on Friday, August 31. He was 85. His death is in some ways a milestone marking the end of an era in the Church. Many considered Martini [...]