Saint Stephen, first martyr, is an example of new evangelization. Because his story «shows that the news of the proclamation does not primarily consist in practising original methods or technics (which can of course be useful), but in being full of Holy Spirit and being guided by him». These words the Pope proclaimed [...]
«Dear Child Jesus, soon you will descend on earth. You will bring joy to children, and I will be joyful, too». This is the beginning of a 1934 Christmas letter, as reported by the web site The author was a 7 years old child. It was scripted in Sütterlinschrift, the typical italic [...]
The food crisis, «which is more grave than the financial crisis». The promotion of human life, because «those who insufficiently value human life perhaps do not realize that in this way they are proposing the pursuit of a false peace». And then, the affirmation of social rights, beginning with the right to work; [...]
The appointment of Benedict XVI’s personal secretary, Georg Gaenswein, as Prefect of the Pontifical Household fills the last vacant post of the Pontifical family’s organization chart, and at the same time gives more weight and importance within the Sacred Walls to Msgr. Gaenswein. This takes place notwithstanding the fact that he [...]
When John Finnis decided to dedicate to Thomas Aquinas the first of the Oxford University Press book series about the founders of modern thought, it was sort of a revolution. Modern thought has been – since the French Revolution – attributed to the Enlightenment. It begins – according to history of philosophy books [...]