Pope Francis won everyone over with plain, straightforward and clear homilies. Every morning, Vatican employees rush to outrun each other in order to attend the Mass the Pope celebrates in Domus Sanctae Marthae, where he’s still residing. And everyday L’Osservatore Romano – the Vatican daily newspaper – reports on the Pope’s everyday “parish [...]
It is a sort of advisory board for Pope Francis. Eight cardinals, and a bishop as their secretary, will meet periodically to infuse energy to the Curia reform that the cardinals asked for, during their pre-conclave meetings.
Criticism of «Roman centralism» came from the cardinals farthest away from Rome, in the outer rings [...]
«Love your enemies». This seems to be Pope Francis’ most practiced gospel commandment recently. During this first month of Pontificate, Pope Francis received twice his compatriot Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, Prefect of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches, in order to see – sources say – how much time is needed to organize the trip [...]
It seems certain that Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone will remain Secretary of State until April 27. That is the day when new papal nuncio Ettore Balestrero – previously Undersecretary for Relations with States, heading to the important nunciature of Colombia– will be ordained bishops. In the past, the Pope himself would conduct these ordinations [...]