The trial that began last week in the Vatican over “the passing on of classified documents” represents the strongest ever defense of its state sovereignty by the Holy See. This defense comes along at a good time. At the same time that this trial was beginning, the Holy See spoke in Geneva [...]
Marked by shock over the Paris attacks, the past week began with Pope Francis’ visit to the Christuskirche Lutheran Church in Rome on Sunday, November 15. What he said during the visit – completely off the cuff – has apparently established the primacy of conscience over doctrine and over things Pope Francis called [...]
Certainly this new Vatileaks season prompts us to reflect on the way Pope Francis is carrying out his reform. Three years after the first big Vatileaks episode, it seems that the same old Vatican world that opposed Benedict XVI is still alive and active behind Pope Francis. The only difference is that [...]
Perhaps the latest leak of confidential Vatican documents is also the latest act of a war being waged on the Vatican – Italian border. But beyond Italians concerned with the Vatican, there are other international powers, lobbies and multinationals involved. On the one side the Holy See defends its sovereignty, that is, in [...]
The appointments of Bishop Matteo Zuppi as Archbishop of Bologna and of Father Corrado Lorefice as Archbishop of Palermo prove that Pope Francis does not have curial reform primarily in mind. Pope Francis’ real reform is the profile of new bishops. More than well-known individuals, he prefers candidates with the smell of the [...]