There is an anecdote that relates better than any other how Pope Francis tackles issues. Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Armenian Church in America, reported it. in a conversation with the author of this commentary. “Last year, before the Armenian-Rite Mass in St. Peter’s to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Armenian genocide, [...]
Its name is “Iuvenescit Ecclesiae” (The Church rejuvenates) and it is a small – but long time in the making – document of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. It was presented June 13, and aims at reiterating the importance of ecclesiastical movements within the Church, while asking them to be [...]
What is Pope Francis’ modus operandi for governing the Catholic Church? After three years of this pontificate, after the 15th meeting of the Council of the Cardinals, the question must be posed. The Council is not called upon to make decision, but simply to advise the Pope, while all decisions are left to the [...]
Pope Francis’ decision to extend by an additional day his visit to Sweden in order to celebrate a Mass with the Swedish Catholic community explains a lot about how decision making in the Domus Sanctae Marthae takes place. And it also shows that there are collaborators around Pope Francis able to intercept certain kinds [...]