Beyond the issues to be clarified, the story that involved the Order of Malta and that brought about the resignation of the Grand Master at the Pope’s request might provide a formidable key to understanding Pope Francis’s pontificate. Pope Francis’s ideas, choices and perceptions come almost directly from his personal history. This point [...]
Moscow or Beijing? While nothing is yet known about Pope Francis’s 2017 trips – except for the already scheduled trip to Fatima for the 100th anniversary of the apparitions – this question is not about the near future, but the distant future of possible papal trips. And it deals with those two Eastern [...]
The “lineamenta” (guidelines) of the forthcoming synod on young people, published January13, paved the way to a new path for the synod. Much has changed since the times when it was thought that the Synod of Bishops was going to gain more importance in the Curia – the chair of the first [...]
A recent article published in the onine magazine The Week and then mentioned in various American media shed light on a particular “modus operandi” of Pope Francis in tackling the issue of abuse of minors by clergy.According to the article, Pope Francis is dismantling the set of reforms put into effect by St. [...]
From Leonardo DiCaprio to Martin Scorsese, from “The Revenant” to “Silence,” Hollywood as usual feels the world’s pulse and shows how the Church is perceived, or at least the way the world would like to perceive it. It is probably not by chance that Pope Francis’s 2016 opened with a January 28 meeting with [...]