Perhaps a way to look at Pope Francis’s pontificate lies in only one question: how to tackle the cultural shift of our times? This was the question at the base of the 2013 General Congregations – the pre-conclave meetings of cardinals – and it is likely at the base of Pope Francis’s entire pontificate.
“April is the cruelest month,” Eliot said in his poem “The Wasteland”. Perhaps no one more than Benedict XVI understands this: he was born on a Holy Saturday in mid-April, baptized on the same day, and he turned 90 on April 16, Easter Sunday. It is the fourth year since he retired to [...]
Last week opened with an international congress celebrating the 50th anniversary of Blessed Paul VI’s encyclical Populorum Progressio. The congress is not only noteworthy because of the quality of the interventions, which were characterized by an interdisciplinary approach. It is noteworthy also because the congress is the first one fully organized by the [...]
The logo of Pope Francis’s upcoming trip to Egypt shows a Muslim half-moon and a cross displaced over the pyramid and Nile River, while a dove anticipating the Pope’s blessing flies over them. The theme of the visit is also meaningful: the Pope of peace in Egypt of peace. Certainly, the presence of [...]