During the days in which a letter to Pope Francis by the four cardinals of the dubia was disclosed, the Pope paid a half-day visit to pray on the tombs of Fr. Primo Mazzolari and Fr. Lorenzo Milani. The Pope thus paid homage to two priests, very much ahead of their times, [...]
The news of a commission to reinterpret Humanae Vitae – broken first by Vatican-watcher Marco Tosatti, and later by the website Corrispondenza Romana – is in fact part of a wider issue. This issue does not deal only with Blessed Paul VI’s encyclical, but, on a wider scale, it deals with the [...]
The bishops of Venezuela, who came last week to Rome to meet Pope Francis, trusted in the Holy See’s moral strength and its international influence. If the Pope – this is the rationale – were to speak out on the Venezuelan crisis, administrations and international institutions would understand that it is about time [...]
Cardinal Lubomyr Husar, Major Archbishop emeritus of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, passed away May 31. His death deprives us of more than a bridge to the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. Cardinal Husar’s life mirrors many aspects of the times we live. His legacy cannot be circumscribed to the reality of the Ukrainian [...]