The interview that Pope Francis granted to the Associated Press, published on January 25, points to what appears to be his state of mind. The Pope seems to respond “candidly” to the questions, even accepting to enter tricky terrain, complaining that he would prefer not to receive criticism, and even showing disinterest for [...]
The news that the French priest and psychiatrist Tony Anatrella has been barred from public life, but not reduced to the lay state, after his final conviction for abuse, has arrived for Pope Francis while the echoes of the Rupnik case have not yet quiet down. The decision in the Anatrella case demonstrates [...]
The death of Benedict XVI has inaugurated the second phase of the pontificate of Pope Francis. For the first time since he has been Pope, Francis will not have to cohabit with the Pope Emeritus.
Benedict XVI had always made it clear that he was no longer Pope and was no longer a [...]
Hundreds of thousands of faithful went to pay homage to Benedict XVI. During the three days of display of the body of Benedict XVI, cardinals, bishops, and priests also came to pay tribute to one who was their Pope. Pope Francis, however, was not there. He was notified immediately after the death and visited [...]
We were probably not ready for a Pope like Benedict XVI. Because Benedict XVI tried to propel the Church to another level, outside the fences imposed by society and the common debate. His search for God led him to look beyond the fashions of the time, trying to find the deep meaning of all [...]
In an interview published on December 18 by the ABC newspaper, Pope Francis revealed that he had written a letter of resignation and that this was delivered to Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, then Vatican Secretary of State. The resignation would become valid if the Pope is prevented, for health reasons, from carrying out the [...]
The bombshell, launched by the website Messa in Latino last week, concerns the appointment of the new prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith. If the rumors will be confirmed, he will be still a religious (Cardinal Ladaria, exiting, is a Jesuitt), but younger, a bishop and German of the orientation of [...]
Pope Francis particularly loves personal contact with people. And this is not only when he is in the general audience in the square but also, in general, when he has to enter into more demanding conversations. Instead of institutional contacts, he prefers personal contacts. Instead of reports from the Secretariat of State, he likes [...]
The interview that Pope Francis granted this week to the Jesuit magazine America is a synthesis of Pope Francis’ pragmatic worldview. Indeed, the Pope is faithful to the principle that realities are greater than ideas, and he looks to the world in concrete terms, in a way that is pragmatic to the point [...]
Pope Francis’s decision to appoint a commissioner for Caritas Internationalis represents for the pontificate yet another plunge into the past. The idea of changing the Statutes of Caritas again, after ten years and a precise direction given by Benedict XVI, risks giving the impression that there is no genuine desire to reform [...]