Pope Francis said it many times: if there is someone who fought particularly hard against sexual abuse by the clergy, that was Benedict XVI. Both as prefect of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith and as Pope.
Benedict XVI put once again pen into the paper to write down his reflections [...]
With the post-Synod exhortation Christus Vivit, Pope Francis finally issued a document to wrap up the discussions of the Synod on Young People. Unlike Amoris Laetitia, Christus Vivit is not a document that leaves open issues. It is rather a snapshot of reality, that provides some general pragmatic suggestions and provide many [...]
The Osservatore Romano supplement “Donne, Chiesa, Mondo” (Women, Church, World) lost in one swipe its editor and board of directors: all of them rendered their resignations, in protest against Andrea Monda, recently appointed the editor of the Vatican newspaper, and the new editorial line. The change of the guard is not striking per [...]
The German Bishops’ Conference latest decision to convoke a local Synod that will lead to binding decisions on sexuality, priestly celibacy and reduction of clerical power was not a surprise. It is part of a debate that the German Church has always carried forward. Rather than a surprise, the decision shed light once [...]
There is one striking figure in the 2017 Church Stats presented to the Pope on March 6: for the first time since 2010, the number of priests decreases, while bishops and deacons are more.
This clue must not be underestimated. It means there are no vocations.
Old bishops retire, other priests are appointed [...]
The eve of Pope Francis’ sixth anniversary of Pontificate was shocked by the news that Cardinal Philippe Barbarin, archbishop of Lyon, was sentenced on first grade to six months of prison for covering up abuse. It was likely a clue: this year will not be easy to Pope Francis.
Cardinal Barbarin’s sentence goes [...]
The way the Holy See reacted to Cardinal Pell’s first-degree conviction for abuse of minors was a signal. In one declaration, the Holy See Press Office stressed that it held the Australian court in the highest respect, but that at the same time it had to be considered that Cardinal Pell has always [...]
At the end of the Vatican summit on the protection of minors, while a follow up restricted meeting of Vatican dicasteries is taking place today, the issue of small lobbies of power and Vatican careerism still lies on the background. This issue affects every pontificate. Pope Francis’ one is no exception.
The way [...]
The new statutes of the Vatican general auditor, in effect since Feb. 16, can be considered a further step in Pope Francis’ path of reform. However, their release also shows that reforms are really made on the go, with trials and errors. The way the statutes are drafted, then, show also a recognition [...]
Nothing is born out of nothing. Not even Pope Francis’ trip to the United Arab Emirates. The first Pope to travel to a country in the Arab Gulf, Pope Francis brought back home a joint declaration with al Azhar university that underscores that no violence can be applied in the name of God; [...]