Nothing is born out of nothing. Not even Pope Francis’ trip to the United Arab Emirates. The first Pope to travel to a country in the Arab Gulf, Pope Francis brought back home a joint declaration with al Azhar university that underscores that no violence can be applied in the name of God; [...]
Before Pope Francis’ trip to Panama, Cardinal Walter Kasper underscored in a few seconds interview that there was a plot behind the sex abuse scandal, to delegitimate the Pope and have a new conclave.
Also before the Pope’s trip, Andrea Tornielli, editorial director of the Dicastery for Communication, lowered the expectations on [...]
Pope Francis received in Panama news of the crisis in Venezuela, that outbroke after Juan Gaidò self proclaimed interim president and some States recognized him as president, while others not. Shortly after, the Holy See Press Office underscored that Pope Francis was apprehensively following the developments in Venezuela.
When it comes to [...]
An external observer can have two impressions about Pope Francis’ reform. The first impression is that a blueprint is missing — that is, in the end, the nature of the “reform made by walking” which Pope Francis conceived and Bishop Marcello Semeraro, secretary of the Council of Cardinals, explained in two articles on [...]
Pope Francis’ pontificate seems to have picked up speed. Not only because of the 2019 trips schedule, which is already tight, though incomplete. Not only because the changes in the Vatican communication department. And not only because of the rumors that the Pope is going to shut down the [...]
Greg Burke and Paloma Garcia Ovejero’s decision to resign as director and deputy director of the Holy See Press Office marks the beginning of a new course for Vatican communication under Pope Francis.
The announcement of the resignations came with a short press release on Dec. 31. Though a change of the guard [...]
After 30 years, the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei might cease to exist. Established by St. John Paul II right after the Lefevbrist schism in 1988, in order to entertain a dialogue with traditionalist parties, the commission was reformed by Benedict XVI with the 2009 instruction Universae Ecclesiae. The instruction linked the commission [...]
The appointments of Andrea Tornielli as editorial director in the Dicastery for Communication and of Andrea Monda as editor of L’Osservatore Romano marks the moment when Pope Francis’ reform of communication starts to take a definitive shape. At the same time, it is also the moment when a new way of managing issues begins.
It is official: the last meeting of the Council of Cardinals the way Pope Francis originally shaped it took place in September. Actually, there were a series of clues: the final press release of the meeting spoke about the “advanced age” of some of the members and the need to further reflect [...]
t would be difficult, long and tough for specialists to detail what is that Pope Francis effectively reformed with his motu propio on the approval of the new law for Vatican City State, published on December 6. However, this reform can at least show some of the modus operandi of Pope Francis’ [...]