Giulio Andreotti was an Italian statesman who dominated the Italian political scene for more than 40 years. Eight times premier, Andreotti was both a target of attacks and praises. Among the attacks, that of embracing an excessively “philo-arabic” policy in the Middle East, not maintaining the right equidistance between Israeli and Palestinian people. To [...]
The next meeting of the Ratzinger Schuelerkreis, the circle of Benedict XVI’s former students, will be on “Church and State, Church and society”. This topic projects the Church toward the future, as the Alfie Evans’ case shows.
At a first sight, the two topics could seem not connected. But instead, they are. [...]
At the end of last week, the first plenary of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors since it was reshuffled took place. This week begins with another meeting of the Council of Cardinals, to conclude on Apr. 25. These two meetings, one after the other, are part of a sort of [...]
The apostolic exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate by Pope Francis is not only a document on holiness. Somehow, it reveals the Pope’s modus operandi, showing some of his weaknesses and some of his strengths. Perhaps, it is also a document that might let us glimpse into the next Pope Francis’ steps.
First of all, [...]
During the week that preceded Easter, there was an event that did not grab the headlines: Pope Francis received the three volume work “Oriente Cristiano”, that is ultimately the who’s who of the Catholic Eastern Rite Churches.
The book presents the identikit and history of the Eastern Churches in full communion with Rome. [...]
The last week of Lent concluded with a “pre-Synod” gathering of young people meant to provide the fathers of the Synod on the young people, scheduled for October, with the youth’s point of view on the Church. At the end of the gathering, a document was drafted collecting all the topics under discussion. [...]
Msgr. Dario Edoardo Viganò’s resignation as Prefect of the Secretariat for Communication is not the end of the Vatican media reform. After the resignation, Msgr. Viganò was appointed by Pope Francis assessor of the same dicastery, and as such awaits the next prefect. The signal is clear: reform must go on.
Not by [...]
Probably, there are no hidden plots behind a release that included just some excerpts of the letter Benedict XVI sent to the Prefect of the Secretariat for Communication responding to a request for a foreword on a series of books on Pope Francis’ theology, although a paragraph had been actually not reported, [...]
The approval of the decree of canonization of Bl. Paul VI was published together with the approval of the decree of canonization of Archbishop Oscar Romero, of El Salvador. The Pope will set the date of the canonization during a consistory. It seems the Pope will canonize both of them in Rome, in [...]
Waiting for the Pope’s document on spirituality in the modern world that should also address the issue of pelagianism, a document issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and addressed to bishops worldwide prepared for the discussion.
Published on March 1, the document is titled Placuit Deo (“It has [...]