There is a recurrent theme in all the conversations around curial reform as well as an eventual reform of Catholic doctrine on the basis of the outcome of the coming Synod of Bishops: the theme is ‘sensus fidei fidelium’ (literally, the sense of faith on the part of the faithful), that is, the intuition [...]
For the first time in these two years of his pontificate, Pope Francis has made two “Vatican style” appointments. Cardinal Giuseppe Versaldi’s appointment as Prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education, along with the inclusion of Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki among the members of the APSA (Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic [...]
Pope Francis dedicated the week preceding Holy Week to finishing the draft of his much awaited encyclical on ecology. Despite this “institutional break,” the discussion on Church reforms is still ongoing in the media. Discussion is not merely about the need to reform Church structures. Already from the time of Benedict XVI’s pontificate, [...]
Pope Francis will speak at the United Nations Headquarters in New York this coming September 25. United Nations confirmed the papal address last week, thus making official one of the most important moments of the coming papal trip to the United States in September. The trip will last one week, and will culminate [...]
Pope Francis celebrated the second anniversary of the pontificate his way, by convoking an Extraordinary Jubilee for Mercy to begin December 8, 2015 and to end November 20, 2016. This decision shows how much Pope Francis is focused on the theme of mercy. The Holy See Press Office release reminded us that the [...]
The official approval of the statutes of the three recently established Vatican economic bodies marked a small turning point in the path toward Vatican reforms. The anomaly that Pope Francis created by establishing curial dicasteries without any statutes has now come to a close. The era of external consultants has now turned [...]
Neglected by the media, there is a hidden Vatican that is working tirelessly to promote the human being. It is the Vatican of diplomacy, the Vatican that sits at international conferences and mediates for peace, the Vatican that employs its weight and influence in order to foster the defense of every human [...]
Is there an agenda at work behind Pope Francis’ back? As he carries out his plan of renewal for the Church, one that is based on the purification of hearts, on pastoral efforts and on evangelization through attraction, many individuals are trying to exploit his spontaneity, and also his naivete, in order to [...]
In the end, the “revolution” has turned into a renewal, to be carried forward slowly. It could not be different, because in the way in which it was outlined, Curia reform could not possibly meet anyone’s criteria. Not even that of the so-called progressive wing. In the end, some criticism came from them [...]
The week that begins today and ends with the creation of 20 new cardinals may represent the turning point of Pope Francis’ pontificate. The choices of the new cardinals not only show Pope Francis’ sensitivity toward the world’s peripheries and a certain pastoral approach, they also indicate a change concerning the pivotal [...]